This is the mock-up of my double page spread. It will give me guide lines to follow when creating my page. The page will contain both images and text, with extras such as infomation about tour tickets.The page will be in the house colours of the magazine (red, black and white).
I decided to keep the continuity and use the same background as the front page. I moved the image into the corner so that it created a gradient effect as the colour gradually becomes less. I used the logo when using the band name and also the name of the magazine, this is so then people associate the band and magazine with their logos. I used a handwritten font for the word 'presents' as it gives the impression of an interview. 'Birmingham's best kept secret...' was used an introduction to the band, as it tells you a some information about the band. The colours alternate between the house colours of black, white and red.
I decided to start the interview with an introduction of the band, and their rise to fame. This part of the magazine will make it easy for consumers to relate to the band.
In the right bottom hand corner there is information about them being a supporting act. This gets publicity for the tour and gives the reader more information about where to get tickets from.
I decided to move the location of the background to the top left hand corner. This is because the writing was difficult so read over the background. I thought a plainer background would distract the reader from the information in the interview and would replace it with images to still keep it looking inviting.
I added two images, one each of the band member. I placed them inside of boxes to create a block of colour, to draw attention toward them. However I thought that they didn't look like much of a band when their images where separate. Therefore I decided to take more images of them together.
I also changed the colour of the word 'NOW' and also put it into capitals. This is so that it is more eye catching and shows importance that they are available now and so the consumer feels like you are giving them information on tickets they would otherwise miss out on.
In the new photographs I took, I decided to make it so that the two members show a strong relationship. I made the image really large and on photo shop I put a 'glow' around the image to make it stand out. The image shows the band members as easy going and very friendly.
I put a fact file of both band members next door to them, this was so consumers would know which band member was which. I got the idea from one of the magazines I had analysed.
I moved the tour information up to the top right hand corner, as this is viewed before the bottom right hand corner, and is more likely to be seen in the new location.
I changed the introduction to the interview to make it more exclusive sounding and more personal to the readers of the magazine. I did this by saying 'answer the questions YOU sent in'. You is in capitals and red, a contrasting colour.
I started the interview with the questions that were asked by the interviewee in one colour and the reply in another colour, this makes it clear to the reader what they are talking about and who is answering the question.
One of the quotes from the interview I repeated on the other side of the page. This is often done in magazines, as when flicking through a magazine, these are often seen and make the reader want to continue to read the whole article. I chose the quote 'we always get funny looks when we preform', as this continues the message of stereotypes that was discussed on the front page.
I decided to add another image to the double page spread as I am targeting my magazine at both males and females, I did not want there to be an over load of writing to put of potential male readers. It also adds colour to the pages and makes the have a more intresting layout. The image is a very relaxed image again, and shows the band members messing around. This again shows them to be fun and friendly.
I increased the number of quotes used to two. The second quote is advertising their new album, it says that you'll get 'fed up' of it, this encourages people to listen to it, to find out why they would get fed up of it!I chose green for the quotes as they match with the background and stand out against everything else on the page. This colour will not be used very much in the magazine, so when it is used, it will be one of the first things the reader will notice.
On the logo of 'Torque' I also used photo shop to 'feather' the image. This means that the logo is not so block in shape and is easier for the eye.
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