Saturday, December 4, 2010

Pre- Questionaire

  1. What age category do you fit into?        16        17        18        19
  2. What gender are you?   Male    Female
  3. What genre of music do you listen to? Rock, Pop, Classical, Electronic, Indie Other (Please state)
  4. How often do you buy music magazines? Never Monthly Weekly Daily 
  5. Which is your preferred method of finding out about new bands? Music magazines, Music websites, TV music stations, Radio stations, Supporting acts at concerts.
  6. Are you subscribed to any music magazine? No Yes (please state)
  7. Does the sound of an electronica music magazine interest you and why? Yes     No
  8. In a magazine would you prefer to hear about new and upcoming band or well-known bands? Upcoming bands             Established bands
  9. How much would you pay for a music magazine? >£1.99, £2.00-£3.99, <£4.00
  10. How often would you like to buy a music magazine? Daily, Weekly, Monthly

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