For all of my products I mainly created them on indesign then finished them off on photoshop.
I used two images on this double page spread as I wanted to create a balance between informative and visual content. This is because my target audience is both males and females, as females prefer lenghty articles with lots of interesting information, while males prefer lots of images and short snappy information. I think that I have reached both genders with this double page spread due to the quotes of information and the fact file containing short bursts of information and the main article with the lenghty informative section.
I placed both the logo for the magazine and for the band in the top right hand corner. This is because this is the first place where the reader will look. I used the statement 'Birmingham's best kept secret' as this implies that they are a not very well known band and by using the word secret it makes the reader feel as if they are being let into something that not many people know about. It also included information about the band, which people may be able to relate to.
The introduction to the interview includes 'answer the questions YOU sent in'. This is to make the magazine more personal and gives the reader the impression that the magazine cares about the views of the reader and like to keep them involved. The 'YOU' stands out and because it is in capital letter and in a contrasting colour.
The interview is made up from two colours, this is so that the reader will be easy able to distinguish the difference between the answer and the reply by the band members. Some people like to only read the answer to the questions and this will make it easier for them to read as they can skip past the questions. The font is plain and simple to read, this looks professional and reliable.
To the images I decided to add a glow to the outside of them, this makes the band members look friendly and inviting. The poses in the images show the band to be fun and easy going. This encourages the reader to feel that the band is easy to approach and people prefer to listen to band with members who are genuine.
I added two quotes form the interview to the other side of the page. I got this idea from my research as it was very popular with magazine because it gives short snippets of the interview which incises people to read the rest of the interview. I chose to put them in green, as this goes against the house colours and makes them stand out the most on the page.
For the background I chose to keep it mainly plain as it would be easier to read the interview and it would draw attention towards to images. I used the same background images as on the content page and front page, this again is to keep continuity. I decided to put it next door to the name of the band, as it makes the band name stand out.
I put this image onto facebook to see what the target audience thought of my product. The feedback was interesting and very helpful. They said that they liked the 'continued colours and fact file near the image looked very realistic'. They also liked the '...use of FX on main photo and cut out well'. They also mentioned about the spelling mistake on on of the quotes, which I noticed after. This is the only negative thing I have heard.
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