These are a handful of the image I took around the school. The majority of the images incude a pupil, these are the ones from which I will choose a main image, however I took other image so that I could use them also on the front page, nect to the puffs that to they relate.
This is the original image that i took and decided to use as my main image. I am going to make the magazine similar to my mock-up as I believe that this will look good.
I then cropped the image to get rid of excess sky and grass. Therefore the image is more focused on the pupil. There is still room around the pupil to have 'puffs' and other information about the magazine such as mast head.
I changed the curves of the image, this made the image brighter and more appealing.
I went further and changed the levels, to make the image more professional.
I then decided to get rid of some of the buildings in the background as they were distracting. I filled the gap with more grass and sky. This is to make the school seem rural and in touch with nature.
I then chnaged the colour of the sky from a grey colour to a light blue. This makes the image brighter and a happier atmosphere.
I then added some cloudes in the sky and changed the shade of the sky to make it look more natural.
I added a litle 'smithdon weekly' and a catch line. The font I chose for the mast head looks neatly hand written, which i believe works well for a school magazine. This font is notmuch in the magazine, thisis so it will look like a logo, which people will establish with the magazine. The catchline tells the comsumer what the magazine is about and encourages them to buy it. I chose 'bringin' u closer to the newz and $candal' becuase the language is often used with younger pupils and they can relate to it. I chose news and ascandals as pupils will find them exciting and intresting. It will also give people something to talk about together.
I used a freebie of 'free exam tutition' to intise customers. Using the block colour as a background, this puff is bold and stands out.
The colours I have used are associated with the school. This gives pupils a link to the school.
The main storyline is about an interview with the head girl. This is the 'top' pupil in the sixth form and is looked up to and admired by the lower pupils.
I change the colours of the main story to red and blue as the 'head girl' is now more of a title.
I also chnaged the freebie, to free music tuition, as to most pupils this would be more exciting and intreserting than exam tuition.
I also added a barcode to the bottom left hand corner, this follows the conventions of a magazine as it is the last place a consumer looks on the front page.
I put the catch line on a slant, which follows the school building, this attracts the audience as they are easy going and relaxed.
I changed the size and rotated the barcode, this is becuse i felt it was hiding too much of the image.
I also added an extra puff to the front to show the comsumer that there is both news and gossip in the magazine, like the catch line quotes.
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