This is the front page for my music magazine front cover. I made it using photo shop then put it through in design to conclude the project. I followed the conventions of a music magazine for the majority of my magazine , however there were certain things I decided to go against the conventions with to make it original, especially as there is not much in the market for my target audience.
The mast head is original as I used a font making website to create the font style and colours. I decided to use red, white and black as the house colours of the magazine and thought it would be appropriate to use them in the logo of the magazine. Underneath the the mast head is a block of colour, which contains the date and the price of the magazine. This is not typically where these are found, as they are often located next to the bar code. I chose to put them here as it is obvious what the price is and the date of the magazine, although these are not very important I feel that making the price of the magazine easily visible will encourage people to buy it as they can see how cheap it is to competitors, yet still enough money that they will get a good content from it. Between these two blocks of colour, I have put the selling line. This quotes 'The best selling indietronica magazine'. This is a quote which will encourage people to buy the magazine as they will see that it is popular. It also tell consumers what the genre of the magazine is, and can give them an idea if they will enjoy it.
I decided to use one image on the front cover. The image fills the whole page with the man focal point being where the drum sticks cross over. I chose to have only one of the band members on the front cover as it shows that they are both independent strong women. This encourages people to look up to them and have them as role models. As the image is taken at a low angle, it shows that the musician has power over the viewer. By having her hands large in portion of her body, shows that her hands are important, which is reflected by her holding the drums sticks. This shows that she plays this instrument and that that playing is her life. The use of a flame appearing out of the left drum stick shows strength. Which is the image of the musician I am trying to portray.
There are two puffs on the front page, although on the magazine I have researched there is normally more puffs and images with the puffs, I decided to go against the conventions and make the main image more important by not adding more distractions away from it. They are both in the house colours of the magazine, red and whites. One on of the puffs I have used the change of colour to emphasise a word 'nothing'. The other puff stands out as it is the main thing on the left hand side of the magazine and I made the word 'NEW' in bold and capital letters to emphasise this word. To improve the emphasise on this word I could have changed the colour like I did with the other puff.
The advertisement for the competition where readers can 'WIN autographed t-shirt'. I made the word 'WIN!!' biggest font out of all the puffs, this is to draw attention towards it, this is because it is a major selling point as consumers believe that they can get more out of the magazine than just the content. The use of a double explanation mark, shows that its exciting. I decided to place it on top of a block of colour, as again this is attractive and eye catching.
The logo of the band 'Torque' is also original and made on a logo website. I put it into another photo shop folder and then moved it across. At first the logo looked very square as you will see from my development and feathered it out. I think that it looks soft and adds a bit of a feminine touch to the band's name especially as the logo is dark and mysterious. I chose this font because it looks computer generated, which is how the music is generated in a indietronica band. Above the band logo I put 'exclusive interview'. This is something which I found many magazines did as it attracts their audience as they know that they will not be able to get this anywhere else, and makes the magazine stand out form the crowd. I used red as the surrounding writing and background is black and white, so this would stand out the most. I got the idea of writing a quote on the front page fro many magazines, as this follows the conventions of the magazines of the music genre I am targeting. The quote is very significant as it explains to consumers why there is an artists who does not look like the stereotypical musician on the front page, as people may believe that they would not like the interview because its not about the genre of music they favour so may be put of buying it. By having this quote it clarifies to the reader that they will enjoy the interview as in the other issues.
The background on the front page was from an image I had changed the colour of. I decided to make the background out of two of these images, this is because there would be two focal points on the background. I chose to place the top one so it was surrounding her head, this gives the impression of a halo and draws attention towards to focal pint of the drum sticks. The other I decided to place much lower around the logo of the band. This again is an important part of the magazine. By doing this is also leaves some blank space for the puffs to go, so that they are easy to read.
I put a copy of this image onto a social networking site called Facebook. I got people of my Target audience to discuss the image and to say what they liked and disliked. The general response was very positive with many comments saying that the thought it was 'new and exciting' and they thought that the magazine 'would sell well'. The feedback was promising and leads me to believe that it suits its target audience.
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