Sunday, December 5, 2010

Devolpment of Front Page

This is the mock up for my Front Page. I did this so that I would have an idea of where I should place items. The title will be in the style of a logo, this is so that people will establish the magazine name with the logo. I will put one puff on eiother side of the main image, this is so that the page is balanced out. The barcode will follow the conventions of a magazine and will go in the bottom right hand corner of the magazine. This is because this is the last place for the comsumer to look and aas the barcode is not important and a selling point this often goes in this space.

These are juts a few of the many photogrpahs I took for my magazine. I tried lots of diffrent angles and models to try and get the right effect for my magazine. I decided a couple of photogrpahs form the many I have taken to work with and use as my main image on the front cover and also on my content page and double page spread.

This is the original image. I took this photograph in a room with a backdrop. I chose the grey backdrop so it would be easy to cut around and put my model on a unique background. I chose this pose as it shows power and how important her instrument is to her. I wanted my magazine to be an electronic/ indie mix of music, however I didn't want the artists to be stereotypical, therefore I asked my model to wear her normal clothing on the day of the photo shoot. She is wearing casual clothing and looks smart. Her hair on the other hand is very choppy and is in the style of indie.

After using an image manipulation software (photo shop CS5) I  darkened the image and decided to get rid of the jewelry that my model was wearing. This is because I felt that it wasn't portraying the image I was trying to create. I then started to make my magazine, I made a head mast using a font website. I chose the name Jukeboxx because it relates to retro music, which I feel Indietroncia is slightly similar too. I put a 'freebie' on the front cover of the magazine to entice people to buy it. I kept with the conventions when placing my bar code, as they are normally put in the bottom right hand corner. This is because this is where the consumer looks last. However I did not follow conventions when placing the date and price of my magazine, as these are often found next to the bar code, however after analysis some magazine front cover. I liked the idea of a a block of colour underneath the title and decided to fill it with the information. I liked the idea of using a quote on the front page of my magazine, this was on some of the magazines I looked into for my

I changed the background image of my magazine to an image I had taken of a dirty puddle with the sun reflecting in it. I then photoshopped the image giving it an green tint, as this adds to the 'electronic' look of the magazine.   
I changed the colour of the model's dress from blue and white to black and white. Although this is a small change i thought that it worked better for the magazine as these are two of the house colours. I changed too 'Just 'cause we're NOT STEREOTYPICAL doesn't mean we're not AMAZING'. I used capital letters to emphasise the importance of the words 'not sterotypical' and 'amazing'. This is because the target audience would not associate this band member as a musician who plays in the style of music that it aimed at my target audience, therefore I had to show that although the band was not stereotypical they still play the genre of music and that they are good at it. 
I added two puffs to the front page, one on each side to balance the layout. One is telling the consumer about the new tour dates out. This would entice people to buy the magazine because they will be able to find out when their favorite bands are touring, so they will know in advance when to buy the tickets and other important information. The other side is about another interview that is included in the magazine. I used a quote on this interview too, as it will give the consumer an idea about what the interview is about and want to read more about them!
Above the logo of 'Torque', I added 'Exclusive interview'. This makes the magazine stand out from the other magazines available as they would be the only magazine that the interview was in. This is a major selling point.
I decided to change the freebie from a badge to an autographed t-shirt. I did this because this has higher worth and is something that is not widely available on the market and therefore in order to get this rare item they would have to buy the magazine.      
This is my final design. I decided to change the position of the catch line of the magazine, as now it is easier to read and includes the words 'best-selling', which will encourage people to read and buy the magazine.  

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