In the questionnaire I asked 12 people, 7 of these were males and 5 of these were females. This is because the target audience of my magazine is both females and males and in order to reach the whole of my target audience i will need to include things that both genders like.
The age range of the people I questioned was between 16 and 19 year olds. This again was because I felt it was necessary to ask my target audience, and not other age groups as they are would prefer different things to my target audience.
In my questionnaire I asked how often they would purchase a magazine, this is to find out whether to make the magazine monthly, weekly or daily. From this graph it is easy to see that the majority of people asked would like a weekly magazine. This means that there will always be new and exciting news, as if it was daily it may get boring and repetitive. A monthly magazine was also not very popular, this is because by the time the magazine has been brought, the news is old and has been covered by other form of information, such as websites and music news channels.
- It's a new genre of music, which I would like to find out more about.
- I’ve got friends who like that kinda thing, they got into it through youtube, so yer for their benefit.
- Sounds like my genre of music!
- It's target audience would overlap with Kerrang's and may bring their prices down, which would be good.
- There is nothing like it on the market that I'm aware of at the moment
- It sounds really interesting and a genre of music I would enjoy
The price of the magazine is very important as it can seem to be 'too cheap' and therefore not seen as a reliable brand or if its over-priced then people would be put off buying it as well. I asked people in my questionnaire to give an estimation of a price they would feel comfortable paying for an indietronica magazine. The majority of people would pay between £2.00 and £3.99. This is an average price of magazines for music magazines and if I charge mid-price for my magazine then it will be successful.
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