The masthead of Q magazine is a large white Q in a red box. This is the largest font size on the page; it is a different font, which shows it as a logo rather than a cover line. This is the largest section
Of block colour and is the first thing in the line of sight.
The selling line says ‘ A different take on music’, this clarifies that it is a music magazine, but also that it is different from all the others. This is a selling point because people will be interested in how they are different and buy the magazine to see.
The main image is large and takes up the majority of the page. It is of Lily Allen, a popular music artist. The image is a long shot, which shows the whole figure of Lily Allen. She has got her back towards the camera, this is seen as the most sexiest part of a woman, this and is wearing very skimpy clothing. Either side of Lily Allen there is a black jaguar. These are fierce beasts, which relate to what they are portraying Lily Allen as. One of the cats are yawning, showing off their teeth, as Lily has her back to the cat is shows that she is not afraid of them. Her long hair shows her feminine side, while being surrounded by cats shows that she is a strong independent woman.
It is very noticeable as who the artists is as her name is in the largest font on the page par the logo of the magazine. The font is plain and is different from all the puffs; it is easy to read and looks relaxed yet formative. The words are using the house colours of the magazine, however as her first name is on one side and her surname is on the other side of her, they are in contrasting colours, the black side represents her evil and wicked and then the white shows her angelic side. Underneath the main cover line is says ‘& her wicked wicked ways…’. The use of the repetitive word makes it more powerful especially as they are in a larger font size, in italics, capital letters and red in colour. All of these things make it stand out against the plain background and is one of the main focal points. The use of the ‘…’ shows that its not finished and entices the consumer to read the magazine to find out what else the magazine has to say about her.
In the top right hand corner there is three bullet points, which are blue, a colour which is not used very much on this page so it stands out against the greys, whites and blacks. The puffs tell the consumer what else is contained in the magazine; they put interesting interviews and exclusives to attract readers. They have used three popular bands, which people will be interested in reading about. The word exclusive is in red, this draws attention, while the band names are in bold.
At the bottom of the page there is a cover line in the form of a banner. This is space saving, yet enables the consumer to see what else is in the magazine. The use of block colour stands out against the background and draws attention towards it.
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